Nance and Underwood Rigging and Sails
    Quality Rigging Since 1988
      Lloyds Accredited
        First in Service and Installs

954-764-6001 · 800-328-9782
Credit Cards Accepted

Please see the images below for samples of rigging and sails commercial work by Nance & Underwoods Rigging and Sails as well as more images around the world by our service staff in their travels.


Repair to a Cruise Vessel Mooring Deck Repair to a Cruise Vessel Mooring Deck
Panama Chock Installed by  Nance Underwood Nance Underwood at Seatrade 2017 Nance Underwood at Seatrade 2017
Beam Deflection Testing of a Carbon Fiber Mast 1 Beam Deflection Testing of a Carbon Fiber Mast 2 Load Test by N&U Rigging
Sunday Morning Rigging Application in Port Everglades! Sunday Morning Rigging Application in Port Everglades! Sunday Morning Rigging Application in Port Everglades!
Canopy Project Install Another successful Canopy project Canopy Project Install
Sunday Morning Rigging Application in Port Everglades! Sunday Morning Rigging Application in Port Everglades! Sunday Morning Rigging Application in Port Everglades!
Nance and Underwood Sails Manufactured Fast Rescue Boat Fendering Covers Nance and Underwood Sails Manufactured Fast Rescue Boat Fendering Covers Nance and Underwood Sails Manufactured Fast Rescue Boat Fendering Covers
Nance and Underwood Visits Princess Cruises Commercial Vessel Commercial Vessel Mooring Winches
Nance and Underwood Sails Manufactured Fast Rescue Boat Fendering Covers Nance and Underwood Sails Manufactured Fast Rescue Boat Fendering Covers Nance and Underwood Sails Manufactured Fast Rescue Boat Fendering Covers
Quebec Life Saving Appliances Annual Inspections Quebec Life Saving Appliances Annual Inspections Quebec Life Saving Appliances Annual Inspections
Life Saving Appliances Annual Inspections Life Saving Appliances Annual Inspections Life Saving Appliances Annual Inspections
Bahamas Cruise ship Dry dock Life Boat Davit Refit Life Boat Davit Refit Cruise Ship Life Boat Davit Refit
Bahamas Cruise Ship Life Boat Davit Refit Cruise ship in Port of Tampa Cruise ship Survey canopy and frame refurbishment project
Skycon Rail Window Washing Systems Skycon Rail Window Washing Systems Service Call Skycon Rail Window Washing Systems
Grand Bahamas Dry Dock Life Boat Service Call Life Boat Service Call Grand Bahamas Ship Yard
Singapore Cruise Ship Life Boat Service Call Singapore Life Boat Service Singapore Davit Technical Services
Greece Life Boat Service Call Greece Life Boat Service Greece Life Boat and Davit Technical Services
Alaskan Life Boat Annual Service Call Alaskan Life Boat Annual Service Alaskan Life Boat Service
Mooring Line Survey Vessel During Mooring Line Splicing During Mooring Line Splicing
During Mooring Line Splicing N&U Technicians engaged in a great Q&A session Mooring Line Survey
Mooring Winch Brake Rebuild During Mooring Winch Brake Rebuild During Mooring Winch Brake Rebuild
Lifeboat Inspection LSA Inspection LSA Inspection 2
Holland America 5 Year Lifeboat Inspection Holland America M/V Zaandam 5 Year Inspection 5 Year Lifeboat Inspection at Grand Bahama Island
Davit Testing at Grand Bahama Island onboard M/V Samson Davit Testing at Grand Bahama Island onboard M/V Samson Davit Testing at Grand Bahama Island onboard M/V Samson
Carnival Conquest LSA Drills Pre-Dry Dock Carnival Conquest Lifeboat Lifeboat Rigging
Cruise Ship CCL Fascination CCL Fascination Life Boat Inspection N&U crew inspect Carnival Fascination Lifeboats
Cruise Ship CCL Victory Lifeboat Inspection Launching Carnival Victory Lifeboat N&U crew inspect Carnival Victory Life Boats
Cruise Ship Inspection Cruise Ship Inspection N&U crew onboard the Carnival Ecstacy
Cruise Ship Miami 2015 Cruise Ship Miami 2015 Booth N&U crew onboard the Oasis of the Seas
Deck Winch Cruise Ship Rig View Mediterranean
Mooring Lines and Seals Sailing Cruise Ship Rig View Sailing Cruise Ship Rig and Sail
Cruise Ships Cruise Ship Winch Service Cruise Ship Interior Rigging
Sail Cruise Ship Sailing Cruise Ship Cruise Ship Rigging
Daysailer Rigging Cruise Ship Project Cruise Ship Windlass
Tall Ship Rigging Cruise Ship Project Cruise Ship Repair
Oasis of the Seas Mooring Deck Oasis of the Seas Mooring Deck Oasis of the Seas Mooring Lines
Cruise Ship Mooring Lines Cruise Ship in Nassau Harbor Testing for Safe Working Load
Testing for Safe Working Load Testing for Safe Working Load Testing for Safe Working Load
Ro-Pax cruise ferry Nova Star Nova Star Samson mooring lines Nova Star mooring lines exchange
Custom mooring lines installed Atlantic sea fog Nautical wall art
SWL testing vessel SWL testing point SWL testing
Lisbon Dry Dock Caribbean Sea St Thomas USVI
Florida Straits Cozumel Mexico Santorini Greece
Bradford Marine Bahamas Product Tanker Navigator Venus Product Tanker Davit Inspection
Product Tanker Navigator Venus Product Tanker Davit Inspection Majesty of the Seas Lifeboat Survey
Majesty of the Seas Lifeboat Entry Covers N&U crew onboard the Oasis of the Seas Rescue Davit Hydraulic service performed in Puerto Rico
Rebuilt Failed 15 Gallon accumulator on ROPAX Ferry in Puerto Rico

Nance & Underwood Rigging and Sails is your source for all of your rigging, sails, sail handling equipment and services world wide. We can ship rigging, sails, and sail handling equipment anywhere. No matter where you are, Nance & Underwood will always be here to assist you. We can arrange the repair of your rigging hardware and/or sails here in our facility. Contact Us today for more information.

Nance & Underwood Rigging and Sails
262 SW 33rd Street · Fort Lauderdale Florida 33315
Ph: 954-764-6001 · Fax: 954-764-5977 · Toll Free: 800-328-9782
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Bureau Veritas Certified Bureau Veritas Cert.   Lloyds Serice Provider Lloyd's Service Provider
System for Award Management Verification U.S. Federal Contractor Registration   Marine Industries Association of South Florida Marine Industries Assoc.

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